Personal project

Personal project

Wood and cardboard cabinet. Birds constructed from chicken wire, newspaper, cyanotype papier mache, wire legs. Dog on wheels cyanotype papier mache, body chicken wire, wheels cardboard. Shoes, paper and papier mache. Cyanotype prints on 120gsm cartridge paper and 90gsm tracing paper. Backdrop material printed with cyanotypes of found images.

“The island is stirred up after a disappearance. People gather in little groups out in the street to talk about their memories of the thing that’s been lost. There are regrets and a certain sadness, but we try and comfort one another. If it’s a physical object that has been disappeared, we gather the remnants up to burn, or bury, or toss in the river. But no one makes much of a fuss, and it’s over in a few days. Soon enough, things are back to normal, as though nothing has happened, and no one can even recall what it was that disappeared.”

Then she would interrupt her work to lead me back behind the staircase to an old cabinet with rows of small drawers.

“Go ahead, open any one you like.”

I would think about my choice for a moment, studying the rusted oval handles.

I always hesitated, because I knew what sorts of strange and fascinating things were inside. Here in this secret place, my mother kept hidden many of the things that had been disappeared from the island in the past.”

From The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa

Backdrop drying in the garden

Coating paper with the cyanotype chemicals, Potassium Ferricyanide and Ferric Ammonium Citrate from the Jacquard kit.
Washing prints in water after exposure.
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